Friday, March 18, 2016

Even Bill Donahue Can't Stomach Cardinal's Degenerate Parade

Edit: the parade is so bad even a professional mourner like Bill Donahue is moved to complain about something worth complaining about. That groups promoting sexual immorality are invited while those defending the unborn are banned. 

Notice this article ends with Cardinal Dolan complaining about secular forces which, like it or not, he serves when he allows the parade to be abused by the proponents of gender ideology.  It's so typical of the Register.

Complain though the Cardinal might about secularism, he's still caved to the consensus and is causing scandal by allowing organizations that promote sexual immorality in what is supposed to be a Catholic parade. Is he not the Gay Grand Marshal?

NEW YORK — When the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade kicks off at 11:30am Thursday, two homosexual groups will be among the hundreds of organizations marching under their own banners.
No pro-life organizations, however, will be marching in the annual parade down Fifth Avenue.

“You have a gay group in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade allowed to march, but the pro-life people are banned? The whole thing is perverse,” said William Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Petrus Blomvenna (1466-1536) and the Cologne Charthouse in the Renaisance

Exactly 550 years ago on the 29th of March, 1466, Pieter Blommeveen (later latinized to Peter Blomevenna) was born as one of twelve children of a wealthy and pious family.
The gifted boy received, like his compatriots: Adriaen Boeyens (1459-1523) and Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1537), a dignified education with the Brothers of the Common Life (Devotio Moderna).  Subsequently, he studied from 1483 at the University of Cologne and entered into the famous Cologne Charterhouse St. Barbara in 1489.  St. Barbara was the largest Charterhouse in Germany and one of the most respected of the Carthusian Order.

The Carthusians as a spiritual and moral renewal movement within the Church

The Carthusians led a  spiritual and moral regeneration movement within the Church.They placed an emphasis on prayer, asceticism, Christ and Marian devotion.

Converted church of Cologne Charterhouse, 1802 repealed under France since 1928 in a Protestant church

As part of its evangelizing activity, the Cologne Charterhouse gathered a large theological reference library and early had on their own printing and publishing operation for the production and dissemination of edifying writings.
Blomevenna was marked by great gentleness and innocence, by strict asceticism and by the gift of prayer and tears. This latter event was the reason why Blomevenna was prohibited from publicly  saying Holy Mass. His great emotion would, so said his superiors, confuse the faithful.
At 43 years he was elected prior of the Cologne Charterhouse in 1507. 

Intensive evangelizing activity

Blomevenna developed a broad and deep evangelizing activity. He wrote several theological works (e.g. Candela evangelica (The light / candle of the gospel); Assertatio purgatorii (Liberation [the soul] through purgatory).

Epitaph of Anton Woensam:  "Christ on the Cross", kneeling and embracing the cross is Peter Blomevenna shown (1535)

Not least important was the printing and distribution of numerous writings of Flemish Carthusian Denis van Leeuwen, called van Rijkel, better known by his religious name Denis the Carthusian (1424-1471).
This  greatest  Dutch theologian of the Late Middle Ages was considered very mystical. Because of his visionary writings, he was, in contrast to the sacred high scholastic Thomas Aquinas (the Angelic Doctor ),  called Doctor ecstaticus. He impressed  the  devout believers and the clergy tremendously by his devout life.The internal Church reform movement of Devotio Moderna got here a theological foundation with an emphasis on prayer, the renunciation of the world and was embedded in the Mysticism of the Cross and Marian devotion.

Blomevenna as editor of the writings of Dionysius the Carthusian

Denis the Carthusian was then several years a companion of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa and strove already mid-15th century to an inner purification and spirituality of the Church in the midst of a turbulent world.
In 1509 Blomevenna translated the "Spieghel der Volcomenheit " (Mirror of Perfection) of Brabant Franciscan Hendrik Herp (ca. 1410-1477), another protagonist of spiritual renewal movement in the Netherlands, into Latin. More mystical-contemplative works followed.
The Carthusians were bound to the vow of silence. On the other hand, their use for pastoral care in Cologne was extremely necessary in the then chaotic times and was specifically requested, led Blomevenna to build a chapel on the outer wall of the Charterhouse, which made the pastoral care of women religious possible.
He led an intensive  correspondence with Dutch and Low German Beguines and nuns. He also had close links with Pope Clement VII. And Charles V.

The Cologne Charterhouse as a bulwark of catholicity

Under Blomevenna's Priorate many young men joined the Charterhouse.
Noteworthy are the brothers John and Dieter (Dirk) Loher (Loherius de Stratis). It was the latter who later became the savior of the Charterhouse Buxheim bei Memmingen (Swabia) which would lead the German Carthusian through the turmoil of the 1540s.

Blomevenna as editor of the writings of Dionysius the Carthusian

Even more important was the contact of the then still very young from Geldern, Pieter Kanis, actually Peter de Hondt, - who as Peter Canisius, was the first and the most important of the German and Dutch Jesuits - with the Cologne Charterhouse. The first Jesuits on German soil were largely supported by the Cologne Charterhouse financially and organizationally.
While the Reformation spread in Germany and in North-West Europe from 1517,  the Cologne Charterhouse constituted under Blomevenna the largest and most important bastion of Catholicism.
It was extremely proficient in theological defense of the faith and in its reply to allegations and accusations.
They trained their members and sympathizers, used modern printing techniques, gave out religious and polemical writings and operated a highly efficient network with important and interesting people.
Eighteen months after his death, his main work was published posthumously by his successor, Gerhard Kalckbrenner,  "De divina bonitate"  (Of Divine Goodness): an extremely important source for the Lower Rhine Dutch theology at this time.
The contacts with the Dutch Beguines and female religious were intensified. They led to the arrival of highly respected Dutch mystic, Maria van Oysterwijck with her mystically oriented circle.

Authentic model in prayer, asceticism and dedication to faith

Blomevenna today is almost completely forgotten today in his home. He is and remains, nonetheless, historically and above all for catholicity, an extremely important personality.
At the beginning of the modern era, in the troubled times immediately before and during the early Reformation period, he created, through great theological knowledge, through enormous pastoral activity, through efficient and skillful use of modern techniques, through education and networking of important and spiritually upright persons, and above all, by his personal example of the authenticity of prayer, asceticism and commitment to faith, the necessary staff work for the beginnings of the counter-Reformation.

Peter Blomevenna as Prior of Cologne Charterhouse, glass windows to 1510-1530

It has been referred to in the 20th century as the Counter-Reformation or as a "second Reformation" - to relativize the  "contra".
However, this is not quite true. There was a very long time, since the early 15th century, of aspirations for a Catholic renewal within the Church.
These reform movements were not least guided and supported as the saying goes, the Carthusians:"Numquam reformata qualis numquam deformata" (never reformed, because never deformed).
The Carthusian Order was then the most important center of Catholic piety. It stood  bravely and loyally for the venerable faith, was averse to the temptations of the world  and consolidated stably in itself; and it defended the faith very capably and efficiently in the Reformation turmoil.
The Carthusian Petrus Blomevenna here was the most important chief of staff. Blomevenna, who was prior of the Cologne Charterhouse and Visitor of the Rhenish Carthusian Province until his death, died on the 30th of September, 1536 in Cologne.
Of Blomevenna there are two traditional contemporary portraits:
In Wallraf-Richartz Museum in Cologne is the epitaph by Anton Woensam  "Christ on the Cross with Saints of the Carthusian Order and its founder Peter Blomevenna" (Inv No: WRM0208 / Access 1857).
Moreover Blomevenna is depicted on a magnificent stained glass window that he himself donated; Today it is located in the Worcester Art Museum in Massachusetts (USA).
Dum mundus volvitur crux, stat.
Text: Armand Timmermans
Image: cartusiana / Worcesterart / University Library Freiburg / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Fraternity of Saint Peter Relocated from Capuchin Church in Vienna to Paulaner Church

(Vienna) The Vienna branch, which was founded in 1988 FSSP, will  lose after 18 years, the famous Capuchin Church as a permanent Mass site.
"After about eighteen years in which we were allowed to be hosted by  the Capuchins, we have to give up the cherished Capuchin Church in downtown as a place of worship,"  announced  the local superior, Father Florian Grafl, in his preface to the March newsletter, has  received "a melancholy aftertaste" this year of "joy and jubilation over the high holy Easter."
April 2nd, the white Saturday in the Octave of Easter "will be the last day on which the weekday Mass at 8:00 am will be said in the Capuchin church."

There is No Reason for the Eviction

New Mass location: Wiedner parish church of the Holy Guardian Angels (Pauline Church)

One reason for the termination of the right of hospitality by the Capuchins was not disclosed.
The "termination"  took place a complete surprise.Nevertheless, it was Father Grafl, who will announce a new Mass location: "On White Sunday, April 3, Holy Mass will be said in the traditional Rite in the Schutzengelkirche (Pauline Church) [Church of the Guardian Angels] at Wiedner Hauptstraße."
The Fraternity of St. Peter was offered by Msgr. Franz Wilfinger, the pastor at the Paulaner Church,  "generously, a new home."
The Guardian Angels Church, also known as Pauline Church, is the parish church of the district of Wieden at Wiedner Hauptstraße Nr. 21 in the fourth district of Vienna. The first mention of the church dates back to 1211. It came to be through a donation in 1353 by the Equestrian Order of the Holy Spirit founded by Louie Anjou. In 1529 the Church was destroyed during the first Turkish siege. Since the members of the Order were scattered, it was dissolved.

"New home" in the Wiedner Parish

In 1626 Emperor Ferdinand II. in the course of the Counter-Reformation, called upon the Pauline Order founded by Francis of Paola 1435, to Vienna. The "Least of Brothers," as the members of the strict mendicant order call themselves, erected the first Paulaner church in 1651, consecrated to the Holy Guardian Angels. During the second Turkish siege of 1683, the church was destroyed again. This time as a precaution by the Vienna City defenders to leave the Turks no secure position for the attack. After the war,  the third and present church was built.
The storming of the monasteries of Emperor Joseph II.  was  in 1784 and the Viennese Paulaner monastery was a victim.The monastery buildings were almost completely raised. The only remainder is the presbytery which is used for that purpose today.

Capuchin Crypt, the grave where  the Habsburgs lay

The Fraternity of St. Peter in Vienna does not have its own church and is therefore dependent on hospitality at a parish or religious order,  the church of a rector. A canonical erection as an Old Rite personal parish for the Archdiocese of Vienna has not been  previously discussed. So far there is not one in all of Austria.
The Vienna Capuchin convent currently consists of ten brothers. seven of whom are priests. One of the tasks of the monastery is the custody of the Capuchin Crypt, the place of repose until 1918, of the ruling house of Habsburg.  The last, Otto von Habsburg and his wife Regina von Saxon were buried in the Imperial Crypt in 2011.
The Capuchins describe "necessary renovations" as the reason for the eviction. Finally, the church interior was subjected to a thorough renovation in 1976.
Text: Martha Weinzl 
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Catholic Pastor Practices Santaria and Exploits "Boyfriend" for Decades?

(Bogota) W Radio Colombia , a radio station in the Spanish media group Prisa ( El Pais, Spanish edition of the Huffington Post ) yesterday reported on the double life from the "Homo-Idyll". The 42 year old Julio César Cardona reported in detail during the interview that for years he has maintained a homosexual [aberrosexual] relationship with a Catholic priest.
For over 20 years he and the priest José Elías Lopera Cárdenas, pastor of Santa Maria de los Angeles, have lived together as a couple in the Archdiocese of Medellin in Colombia. The relationship was "secret", but Cardona's family, friends and other priests are said to have known about them.
After 20 Years and severely burned by "gay pastor" he is shown the door?
Cardona has now gone public, because the pastor showed him the door, to live with another man.
Pastor Lopera seems, according to Cardona's description, to have grown tired and now wants  more youthful sexual playmates. Cardona feels he is being treated unfairly, financially. In a radio interview, he announced that it was his wish  to demand a "bonus" for a "love affair" of  more than 20 years.
Lopera was chaplain at the college, to which Cardona had come when he was 16 years old. There they met each other and had become a "couple".

Special sex games in which Cardona was seriously injured?

The two seem to have preferred special sex games. In one of these "games," a Santeria ritual, an "accident" happened in 2012. Lopera had covered Lopera with a lot of alcohol. It took light and inflicted severe burn injuries. According to W Radio, 40 percent of his skin was affected.
This "blemish" on his body was the reason that Lopera had lost interest in his sex companion and sought at length new partners.
Santeria is a syncretic religion of African animism with Catholic elements, which evolved among the slaves deported to America. It is rejected by the Catholic Church, but pastor Lopera seems to have, besides  to his sexual vices, issues with the faith. In the diocese he is, says Cardona,   "respectable."
Cardona announced that his lawyer had sent a claim for more than 150 million Colombian pesos (approximately 42,000 euros) to Pastor Lopera. These were also brought to the diocesan leadership and the Apostolic Nuncio.
Cardena disclaims moral charges against the pastor or the Church. He just wants money. Pastor Lopera has apparently funded him to study, covered his credit card and gave him a monthly eight million Colombian pesos (about 2,200 euros). With this money Cardona has given his family financial support, which is now also missing this money.
As Cardona announced in the interview,  he is the father of a 20 year old daughter who studies medicine in Medellin. She had sprung from a relationship with a staff member in a rectory.
The interviewer asked where the pastor had so much money to so luxuriously  sponsor Cardona and to pay him the "compensation" now demanded. Cardona explained that Pastor Lopera was highly regarded and receives many donations and contributions, even from the business world. He financed his sexual companions with the parish donations.  The news site KienyKe recalled rumors in the past, according to which pastors Lopera did maintain good contacts with the Drug Lord Pablo Escobar Gaviria and the question of whether he could have anything to do with "the money,"  which the priest had nonetheless gladly received.

Everything a question of money, not of morality?

In other words, if there is a satisfactory financial settlement from the "lover", he will be silent  and "the illustrious priest can resume his usual double life," so says Secretum meum mihi .  Cardona showed  no doubts about the homosexual relationship during the interview, which he explains with uncritical self-awareness and total moral indifference. The case seems to be settled in the gray zone for prostitution. Anyway, gold plays a central role in the whole matter, especially since Cardona does not even seem to be homosexual.
The radio hosts did not attempt to exploit the story  for the debate  which is taking place in Colombia  on the legalization of "gay marriage". The damage to the Church and its rejection of "gay marriage" has created all by itself  the impression of hypocrisy. It's a negative example, which can be availed by critics of the Church  and homosexual [gender ideology] activists.
The interview with Cardona aired on Tuesday. So far, no reactions of diocesan leadership of Medellin have become known.
W Radio explained that they had  also invited Pastor Lopera  to the show, but did not receive a response. The station was even in contact with the diocesan management. They did not want to make any public comment before they had  "closely examined" the case. "You will now listen closely to this program, and then probably to take a position," said Julio Sanchez Cristo, the presenter of W Radio toward Diocese.
Cardona's complaint aired openly  against Lopera could lead to extensive criminal investigations, "including abuse of parish funds, illegal enrichment, pedophilia, deliberate bodily injury. In addition are still investigations that fall under Church law," said KienyKe .
Text: Andreas Becker
Photo: Youtube (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
 Print Article

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pope Benedict Breaks Silence and Affirms the Thrice Defined, Infallible Dogma, No Salvation Outside of the Catholic Church

"Council Cast Church and Faithful into a Double Crisis"  - Interview of Benedict XVI
(Rome) Pope Benedict XVI. has broken his silence that he  undertook in connection with his unexpected resignation. Since 2013 he has lived in retirement in the convent, Mater Ecclesiae in the Vatican. Now has given  Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference a long interview, which was published in today's issue.
"Let us allow ourselves to be formed by Christ," is the title of a spiritual interview which addresses faith and theology.  It does not involve daily affairs and church politics.
The interview was conducted by the Belgian Jesuit, Jacques Servais, director of the Casa Balthasar in Rome. Father Servais was under Cardinal Ratzinger from 1985-1990 an official in  the CDF and from 1993-1996, the professor of dogmatic theology at the Institute of John Paul II. in Rome. He has published works on Cardinal Newman, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr.

"Without being bound by salvation even the faith is baseless"

The central question of the interview is: "What is the faith and how does one come to believe?"
Emeritus Benedict XVI. spoke to the Church crisis in the interview:
"The missionaries of the 16th century were convinced that the unbaptized were lost forever. After the Council this conviction was abandoned. This resulted in a deep crisis. Without being bound to salvation the faith is baseless."
On the anthropological aspect of man, technology and love:
"People expect in their hearts that the Good Samaritan comes to their aid. In the hardness of the technological world in which feelings count for nothing, the expectation increases of a saving love that is unselfishly bestowed."
For increasing importance of charity:
"It is a sign of the times that the idea of ​​mercy coming from Sister Faustina  becomes ever more central and more dominant."
Father Servais asked  Benedict XVI. about the justification dispute of Martin Luther and the struggle of St. Francis de Sales, who had followed in the wake of the Apostle Paul  for the pastoral care of as many "infidels" as possible against the "terrible fate being eternally lost."  Benedict XVI. proceeds in his reply in detail on the "development of this dogma" Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, because since the beginning of modern times, the historical perspectives with respect to the Middle Ages had changed "radically".

By giving the up the Church's necessity for  salvation, the Council sparked a "double crisis"

"Double crisis" of Church and Faith
Thus, with the fact that the Second Vatican Council has "definitely" abandoned the belief  that there is no salvation for unbaptized, the Church and the faith had fallen into a "double crisis".
"On the one hand  it seems to withdraw any motivation a future missionary commitment. Why convince people of accepting the Christian faith, even if they can be saved without it?
But for Christians, the question on the necessity of faith and manner of life was uncertain and problematic. If there are those who can be saved in other ways, it is ultimately not evident why the Christian should be linked to the need of the Christian faith and its morals. But if the faith and salvation are not dependent on each other, the faith is also groundless.
Recently, various attempts have been made ​​to bring to reconciliation the universal need of the Christian faith with the opportunity to save oneself without them."

Rahner's "anonymous Christian" and the "superficiality" of pluralistic theories of religion are not solutions

Benedict XVI. then addresses two of these "attempts", including the thesis of Karl Rahner's "anonymous Christian",  in the being of Christ is synonymous with humanity. "It is true that this hypothesis is intriguing," but it excludes  "the drama of change and renewal, which is central for Christianity."
"Even less acceptable is the solution proposed by the pluralistic religious theories  for all religions, each in their own way, are ways of salvation  and to be considered in this sense, in their effects, as equivalent. The religious criticism, the way it is practiced on the Old Testament and of the primordial church, is much more realistic, concrete and true in its examination of the various religions." The pluralistic religious theories are "superficial" and "is not appropriate to the size of the question." 
Finally, Benedict XVI names a third solution proposed,  that of Henri de Lubac,  "and some other theologians" who had placed their emphasis on the standing substitute that vicarious substitution. So that it may be that  "the problem is not solved completely."  But it would involve a "material intuition", where it is total but "clear", "that we must think about the whole issue."
The complete interview in the Italian original (Avvenire) .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Avvenire (Screenshot / Vaticanva / OR
Trans: Tancred
Professional translation also by the Maike Hickson...

Franciscans of the Immaculate: Father Manelli Initiates Criminal Complaint For Slander

Father Alfonso Bruno

(Rome) The Congregation for Religious' struggle against the   Franciscans of the Immaculata  is going into a new round On March 2nd, the  legal representatives of the founder and General Superior dismissed by the Vatican, Father Stefano Manelli, has issued a complaint to the state prosecutor of Avellino. 
He founded the Order in the 1970s, it was recognized by the Holy See in 1990, returned to the original Franciscan Rule and also followed Pope Benedict liturgically.   After the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum  he implemented the traditional liturgy internally, while offering the Sacraments in both forms of the Roman Rite for pastoral reasons. Thus the Order was an absolute exception, because it was the only Old Rite religious order of the Congregation for Religious, and not under the Papal Commission of Ecclesia Dei. What appeared to be taken in a special dynamic under Pope Benedict XVI., because the Franciscans of the Immaculata, in contrast to other new ritual orders, was an attractive example of an Old Rite Order  that was also missionary in character, became under Pope Francis, the complete opposite. Now the protective umbrella  of the  Ecclesia-Dei Communities is completely absent.

Slander Campaign Against the Franciscans of the Immaculata

Attorney Enrico Tuccillo lodged a complaint two weeks ago, of slander, and the formation of a criminal organization. In this way the founder is defending himself, in the name of his brothers and sisters against the ongoing "slander campaign," which was directed initially against the men's and subsequently against the women's branch of the order.  On November 4.  2015 the  Corriere della Sera  made an appeal from direct or indirect statements by  "concerned parties" in an article series with various horror  stories about the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Similar slander campaigns have happened in the past already against other religious communities and have mostly had their origins in inner-ecclesiastical conflicts. The mass media has likewise been ever ready themselves  to assist progressive circles.  
The Congregation of Religious reacted with the introduction of an  Apostolic Commissar  to the female order and justified this step just as they did the Commisarate administration of the male branch in July of 2013. The sisters were accused that they  "did not succeed in assimilating the riches of Concilar doctrine and the subsequent papal magisterium in their consecrated life in a reasonable way and to use it in the context of their apostolic life and mission."

The Rebellious Within the Order Against  Pater Manelli are Given a Name 

With the charge,  now the opposition within the Order who have triggered and expedited in collaboration with the Roman Congregation of Religious, against the  Franciscans of the Immaculata, have a name. Rome has not named till today any reasons for the radical clampdown on the blooming religious order,  which from many points of view represent an anomaly among Catholic religious communities. It has been maintained from different sides, that the Congregation for Religious have only reacted based on a petition from members to this Congregation.  The internal opponents of the founder, Father Manelli, have never been officially identified. The letter actually does this. Less believable is that it was the catalyst for the various interventions of the Congregation.  The Order was a thorn in the side of the Congregation and other heads of religious communities for a long time.  Under  Benedict  XVI., who stood fully behind the Franciscans  of the  Immaculata, Cardinal Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Religious, dared not move against the young order. Under  Pope Francis, who makes no bones about his antipathy to the traditional Rite, the playing field was  fundamentally altered.
With Pater Manelli's legal conplaint, the names now lay on the table. That is, "not an easily introduced step, which has become necessary for the protection of many of the Order's brothers and sisters," said Manelli's attorney.

Three Sisters, Six Priests and Two Laity Cited

The complaint is against the three religious sisters or former sisters,  Lattanzi, Turturiello und Lovine, against six priests and two laymen.  Among the priests there is  Pater Alfonso Bruno, who is considered the actual instigator and leader of the uprising against the founder. Father Bruno already belongs to the leadership imposed by the Vatican and was, under the late Apostolic Commissar, Father  Fidenzio Volpi, who as his right hand as General Secretary, actually became the new highest ranking member  of the Order. Also mentioned in the complaint is  Father Alessandro Calloni, who has been the General Delegate of the Order for Italy.
The two laymen are alleged to be guilty of have disseminating  an "anonymous dossier with false contents," to discredit the former leadership, who have a severe vow of poverty,  among the brothers and sisters, the faithful, the Church authorities and especially the media. "It is no accident that the same subjects now have leading positions within the Order," says the complaint.  

"Indeed Impressive and  Striking, but False Evidence"

For example,   Ilaria Turturiello (formerly  Sister Maria Letizia), because she made, "Indeed Impressive and Striking, but False Evidence," alleging abuse she is supposed to have suffered.  She was, according to her, forced by her superior, a niece of the founder, to sexually gratify the owner of a supermarket. The women's superior has in the meantime, filed a counter-complaint for defamation and slander.
The former sister also offered the media the story of a "poor fellow sister", who likewise, she said, knew to tell the questionable horror story, which was gleefully broadcast by some of the media. This "fellow sister" was approached by the media for a quote but she denied Turturiello's claims.
The founder, Manelli, must lay his cards before the judge's table.  
The smear campaign of Corriere della Sera and other media was commented upon then by  Messa in Latino. The traditional  site opposed the harsh and unjust attacks against this Order, "which wasn't guilty of anything" compared to the shortcomings and defects of other orders, where the Congregation for Religious sees  no impulse to intervene:
"The moral of the story? The new message of Rome to Religious Orders appears to say: if you give in to your sexual desires, lie, steal, betray, deny doctrinal truths and dogmas, disturb ecclesiastical order and promote liturgical abuse, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that you do not hit out at the Vatican Council II and the achievements of the post-conciliar epoch."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Airmaria (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

New Map Shows Mass Locations Since Summorum Pontificum

Map of Europe with Mass Locations of the Traditional Mass 

(Rome) The French side ProjectSP5 published a map of Europe which includes the Mass  locations of the traditional Mass.  ProjectSP5 standa for Project Summorum Pontificum. The map highlights the spread of the traditional Rite, which Pope Benedict XVI has restored the traditional Rite again to its official right of residence in the world Church. 

Distinct Geographic Differences 

A glance on the map immediately shows significant geographic differences between the various European states.  Strikingly thick are the Mass locations in France, England and the German language area, less dense are the Catholic nations of Poland, Italy, Dpain and Portugal. Some
Counties, notably Ireland, we're not included.
The traditional Rite is thus more prominently represented in those areas where the Catholic Faith has been historically endangered by great pressure.  That was true for England though the long Anglican state persecution, for France through radical secularization and for the German speaking areas through the Church schism of the 16th century, which separated both the people and the state, and in the last half-century from a protestantizing in progressive Church circles.

Map Documents Counter-Reaction

The "Rheinisch Alliance" from the leading German and French speaking bishops and theologians are in this area and worked a massive influence on the Second Vatican Council. The consequences were an inner-Church break, which has not been resolved and has thrown the Church into a difficult crisis. 
The maps with the Mass locations documented in the same area as the reaction to this development and gives the impression of the vitality of faith and the Church.
The also shows a significant shortcoming. Some Mass locations are missing, others are imprecisely located on the map. . A more precise and comprehensive map, "would be desired and would make the implementation and effect of the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of  Papst Benedict  XVI",  says the traditional site  Messa in Latino. The project of the French blogger is still a noteworthy beginning.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: ProjectSP5 (Screenshot)
Trans: Tabcred